1 thought on “I am a Mormon Videos”

  1. I served mission in Kentucky, Tennessee, and West Virginia. I was from Idaho and had two wonderful black men that was a part of my life as a boy. I love them and called them uncle A. C. and uncle charles. My parents did not teach me that there was any difference in people so I grew up not understanding racism. Working on a farm in Oakley, We worked with navajo, mexicans, blacks, and anyone else in the are that needed a job. On my mission (1966 to 1968) I had a hard time not being able to spend time teaching my black brothers and sisters. After my mission I found a book by Allen Jerold Cherry. “It’s You and Me Lord” After reading that book I felt better knowing that everyone has their own struggles. I am so grateful for a Father in Heaven that sees us all the same. I love you web sight and so grateful for you doing this. Thank you Bill

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